Coaching and classes

Arie has been a writing coach and English teacher in the Czech Republic for fifteen years. She provides services both on-line and in person in Mnichovice u Řičan.  She obtained her degree in linguistics from Lawrence Univeristy in Appleton Wisconsin and worked as an international correspondent for major newspapers and magazines including The Christian Science Monitor and Business Week. She has published five urban fantasy novels for adults and two children's books. 

Farnam is positive, helpful and consistent as a coach and teacher. She gives clear feedback while supporting the self-confidence of writers and students. Her approach is brisk and humorous but also unwavering in pursuit of skill and craft. 

Write with Arie

You've got the spark for writing but it's hard to keep at it alone. Arie is a friend and mentor who will keep you focused and provide individualized feedback, ideas and problem solving assistance.

Connect to your core

Just living can be like fighting a battle. It's overwhelming, draining and disconnected. Arie is a life coach who will listen, support you and provide skills and ideas for connecting to your intuition, natural understanding and spiritual truth. She is an herbalist, counselor and experienced Tarot reader and she is willing to teach these skills to others. Rather than give you a fish, she'll teach you to fish in your own inner sea, to find natural healing in your own backyard and truth in your own heart.

Learn English

Arie Farnam lives in the Czech Republic and has broad experience teaching students from Honduras to Siberia. She teaches children at her home in Mnichovice but she also teaches online. All other courses, including writing and life coaching, are open to those who are also interested in learning English at the same time. English classes need not be boring and separated from the rest of your life. Develop yourself while you learn English.